12 November, 2011

Oh Lord its hard to be humble..

So today was a little bitter sweet for Northwest Arkansas Hog fans. It was our last Fayetteville home game BUT it was an amazing win for the Razorbacks! I always love when we play the two orange "T" teams (Texas & Tennessee). They always are fun games. The wind tonight was absolutely intolerable! I was so grateful to be able to sit inside with Bailey. TJ spent the game with the boys, out in the cold. I know they had fun, I am just glad they had their fun with out me. :)
So I found this new store, Versona, and it is my heaven! I bought this super cute, unique ring there to wear to the game today. LOVE that store :)
The fine gentleman that TJ spent the evening with. Don't they look SO excited. ha
My sister, AKA sugar addict! This girl could eat her weight in sugar if she was allowed. ha.
We were so glad to get to see Uncle Tim and our cousin Savannah. So good to get to see them at the games. I'm so jealous they went paint balling this morning in Charleston!
I live for moments like these. There are few things in the world that make me as happy as seeing that Arkansas A! :)
Bailey and I snuck around the stadium once all of those stinky Vols fans headed out. :)
LOVED getting to play with my new camera at the game.
LOVE my sister, it is crazy to think that this time next year she will be a student at the UofA. :( My baby is growing up *snif snif*.
To end the evening we sat in the box with my Daddy!
I'm SO sad that my favorite time of the year is wrapping up.. but there are still a few more AMAZING games left in our season. Hopefully a great bowl game to follow ;). Now it is time to get in the swing of the seasons. I can't believe Thanksgiving is just in a couple weeks, and Christmas is right around the corner. LOVE this time of the year! :)

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