24 September, 2011

*Andrea's Baby Shower*

We are all SO excited that Andrea (TJ's sister) is having a sweet baby girl! Her name is Aiyana Jade and she will make her grand entrance on October 21st, well actually any day now! :) I am so thrilled to have a baby girl around, I'm looking forward to spoiling this kid rotten. After all, that IS my job!.. Right?
Andrea is SUPER low key, something I know NOTHING about ha. I would have thrown a big ole pink, frilly, girly, crazy shower. HOWEVER, it was requested that we have a nice family cook out. SOOO I happily thru out the pinkness, and became "low key". :) As low key as I could be that is. I'm just SO excited that I had to make everything sweet!
We all congregated to Jeanii's for the afternoon. Rick cooked some AMAZING fajitas, and the rest of the family cooked all of the fixins. We spent the afternoon visiting, eating, drinking and having a great time! It was really great to see all of that family. It had been too long since we had all gotten together. && OH WERE THERE CHANGES! Miss Aiyana just popped right on out of her mommas belly. :)
This little birdy sat upon the diaper cake I made for mommy & baby.
Perfect colors to match Aiyana's room!
Every child needs a Bumbo! Also purple to match her room (I'm always thinking ha)
Oh TJ, pregnant or not.. still his little sister!
HA this is my favorite picture of the night, I'm really not sure who is having the baby!
Sweet momma with her babes!
SO these cupcakes were AMAZING, thank you Sam's Club! Saved me $60! HA
Sweet girls diaper cake.

Aunt Andrea and Miss Day :)
Is she not the cutest little pregnant girl you ever did see! & I mean LITTLE! :)
It wouldn't be a family event if Shannon didn't make a BOLD statement.
Onsies we had made for Aiyana.
Is that not the cutest!
hehe :) cant wait to dress the little darling up!
TJ testing out the outfit.. it think the onesie says it all!
Can't wait to see her!
Mommy and Daddy are anxiously awaiting their princess' debut! Not to mention Auntie Brittney can NOT stop thinking about her! Soon enough, when she is good and ready.. we will finally get to meet the little bundle of joy. All we can as for is that she is healthy, happy, and wears plenty of HUGE bows!!! :)

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