19 June, 2011

Whitley Jane Emmerling

Introducing Miss Whitley Jane Emerrling.

This is my newest (and possibly last) cousin. She is the most precious thing I have ever seen. Whitley is one of FOUR girls. All of which are blondies while Miss Whitley, like her favorite cousin (ME), is a BRUNETTE. I was shocked when I saw all of her dark hair. She defines perfection. :)

We are SO stinking busy right now so we weren't able to go down and meet her right away, but I am crossing my fingers that I will get to see her in the next couple weeks. I'm not entirely sure how much I will get to love on her, from what I hear she is SO loved & spoiled, I may have to fight for her. Which is NOT a problem for me.
This sweet baby has had more outfit changes in her few days of life than I have had in the last month. She has been compared to a baby doll, ha just can't get enough dress up!

I could stare at these pictures all day. She is such a angel!

Lord have mercy, I could just go on and on about this little bundle of joy and I still haven't even met her! Does this make me crazy? HA. I sure hope not. :) I am just one proud cousin is all. I look at these pictures and just think how incredibly lucky I am to have such an amazing family, with such perfect & healthy little babies. It is SUCH a blessing. I hope to be making several more baby posts this summer. EVERYONE I know is pregnant right now, there are babies everywhere.. I'm in heaven! :)

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