19 April, 2011

Dinner Date

Since TJ works Monday through Thursday until 1:30am.. SO I don't have a weekday boyfriend, which is NOT fun. But I have to deal with it. :) And i deal with it by either working out til bed time, or dinner dates with great friends. It has become a trend that Wednesday nights are now Chelsea & Brittney dinner date night, and I'm loving it. There's something about Wednesday, you think ok I've made it half way, but crap still have the other half left! Our little dinners help pull through the rest of the week. :)

Our most recent dinner date was last Wednesday, we usually stay in the Rogers/ Bentonville area, but this week we were craving Powerhouse like none other. Not to mention I'm in love with the Killawat!
Yummy food & even better drinks!

One of my best friends since the 7th grade, crazy we can still stand one another. HA!

I had no desire to get dressed or look even decent this night. I showed up at her appartment in sweats and a t-shirt. The lovely Chelsea gave me this shirt that she did not like, which I LOVE.

She cracks me up, not sure what pose this one is. :)
I absolutely LOVE Fayetteville, it is just so beautiful. I love how old everything is and how unique and artsy the downtown and Dickson St area is.

As a whole we had a wonderful night away. Sometimes its good going somewhere you know you wont run into 100 people you know. Just have a simple night with a great friend. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends who are there any time I need them, such a great feeling!

Crossing my fingers we keep up our dinner dates, ha. :)

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