25 April, 2011

One RAINY Barbeque

I was so LUCKY to get to see my new and good friend Kiesha! :) We are SO excited that she will be out nieghbor very soon. Counting the days!

So this rain has worn me out! So it was really amazing to have a BBQ. It certainly was not your traditional, sit outside and enjoy the nice weather kind. This was more like, avoid floating away and eat a LOT of food kind. My good friend Fallon planned this get together about a week before, when it was beautiful weather out, and I started planning right away. I love planning get togethers! Even more I LOVE finding new recipes and making yummy food. Fallon is lucky enough to have a fiance who cooks almost every meal that is made at their house. So needless to say.. it was a HUGE deal that she put this together without much help at all. We were all so proud! She made some amazing dishes! I was pretty jealous. I helped out with a couple sides, a dessert, and one AMAZING drink. As a whole we had a wonderful night eating, drinking, and enjoying each others company!

Fallon made this Pasta Salad that was HEAVENLY. I have got to get the recipe from her! It has asparagus, yellow peppers, and sun dried tomatoes. Seriously.. delicious!

Oh ya, I made that! I got the idea from Cyndi, it started as a "Punch Bowl Cake" and I just made some changes in the fruits. Cake, pudding, Cool Whip, fruit. I used blueberries, crushed pineapple, and strawberries. It was a mess of goodness. Final product :)

Oh and here is the blueberry lemonade. Fallon made ice cubes with different fruits frozen in them. Added a cute and yummy touch.

This is the "grownup" blueberry lemonade I made. just used frozen lemonade, blueberry vodka, frozen blueberries, and sliced lemons. Naturally it must be drank out of a pink stemmed wine glass. :)

My best friend, and great hostess!

We have a interesting friendship.. ha!

Fallon's corn and broccoli casserole, and green beans! Andy also made great burgers, they were about a foot thick. ha :)

Its not a BBQ with out Mac-N-Cheese! Oh this is my heaven. I used Cyndi's recipe, which is so amazing. We finished it ALL off that night :)

My boy knows how to eat! ha. Especially when is GREAT food.

Our sweet baby came with us. I feel so bad when we leave her alone on the weekends, so she went EVERYWHERE with us this weekend!

The ladies had to have girly, fruity drinks. Thank God (and my dad) for the Margarittaville Machine!

Cheese :) It was so good to see all of these girls!

LOVE my camera.

So, I found out Fallon roasts marshmallows in the GAS fire place. Am I the only person that finds that crazy & unhealthy?!

As a whole we had an amazing time. We all forgot about how nasty this weather and had a great time. I feel so lucky to have such amazing people in my life! Now if only we were lucky enough to have nicer weather.

19 April, 2011

Dinner Date

Since TJ works Monday through Thursday until 1:30am.. SO I don't have a weekday boyfriend, which is NOT fun. But I have to deal with it. :) And i deal with it by either working out til bed time, or dinner dates with great friends. It has become a trend that Wednesday nights are now Chelsea & Brittney dinner date night, and I'm loving it. There's something about Wednesday, you think ok I've made it half way, but crap still have the other half left! Our little dinners help pull through the rest of the week. :)

Our most recent dinner date was last Wednesday, we usually stay in the Rogers/ Bentonville area, but this week we were craving Powerhouse like none other. Not to mention I'm in love with the Killawat!
Yummy food & even better drinks!

One of my best friends since the 7th grade, crazy we can still stand one another. HA!

I had no desire to get dressed or look even decent this night. I showed up at her appartment in sweats and a t-shirt. The lovely Chelsea gave me this shirt that she did not like, which I LOVE.

She cracks me up, not sure what pose this one is. :)
I absolutely LOVE Fayetteville, it is just so beautiful. I love how old everything is and how unique and artsy the downtown and Dickson St area is.

As a whole we had a wonderful night away. Sometimes its good going somewhere you know you wont run into 100 people you know. Just have a simple night with a great friend. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends who are there any time I need them, such a great feeling!

Crossing my fingers we keep up our dinner dates, ha. :)

Bailey's Prom

This past Saturday was Bailey's prom, along with ALL of Benton County. You couldn't go anywhere Saturday without seeing about 100 prom dresses. We had been stressing all week about the weather, literally checking every few hours in fear of cold, wind and rain. I was nasty all Friday and Saturday morning, but turned out to be the most BEAUTIFUL day. Honestly, don't think we could have asked for anything better. :)

We began the day at noon at Crumpet Tea Room for a Mother-Daughter luncheon. It was a great start to the crazy day! Crumpet has these orange rolls that I would kill for, no joke I could live off of them!

Shortly after lunch it was makeup time. They were set to get their make up done at 2:15, they didn't get out of there til well after 4. So after makeup it was a mad dash to finish getting ready. Bay spead home and thru together the rest of her hair and throw on the dress. I was amazed at how she managed to look perfect in no time!

Once she was all dolled up, we all headed up to the club house to take pictures with a BIG group of kids from their school. SO, Bailey's date is quite obiously broken. ha! Over spring break the poor boy went skiing and lost in a fight with a tree. He broke his femur, dislocated his knee, shattered his growth plate, and tore his ACL. Clearly he was not very mobile, with help of Bay they successfully made it thru the night.
Me and Mom, my camera has a screen that flips around so that you can see yourself when you take the picture. So as you can tell mom is checking herself out rather than looking for the picture. Ha :)

Oh honey, Bailey had this amazing hair! She curled and added extentions, they were simply amazing.

Here is the after hair picture, she mastered this look! Several other girls tried to do the same thing (and paid big money for it), but no one came close. She is so talented when it comes to fixing hair.

Isn't she just perfect!

Stressed out daddy and beautiful Bay!
Boutiners have come along ways just in the 4 years since I went to prom. Bailey picked this one out for Nick, and its very cute & unique.
Same goes with corsages, Nick's momma picked this out for Bay and it was the cutest one I saw all night.

Oh gracious, we were praying she wouldn't prick him. LAST thing that boy needs is another injury. HA!

Luckily my golf cart obsessed father brought it allong for pictures. This was a life saver for poor Nick.

One of MANY group pictures. Prom this year was a colorful one! It was all georgous!

TJ came along for pictures, it would be sheer torcher for him to take prom pictures like all of these kids.

One of my favorite things about prom is the shoes! These girls had the right idea, 3 pairs of Toms, 1 pair of flats, and 1 pair of gladiator sandles.

Glowing gals.

Stuffing him in the car, poor bay payed the roll of the boy for the night. Ha!

As a whole the night was a success! TJ and I managed to avoid too many kids, and Bay had a great time!

18 April, 2011

Mikey's Earthquakeing Birthday!

SO it's been a while since I've been on here, but there hasn't been anything too eventful. Then all of the sudden BAM I have so many posts to catch up on! I am determined to stay caught up with my posts now though, so I may be consumed with blogging for the next couple days. Yesterday was TJ's nephew, Michael's, 4th birthday party. He was so funny, he kept asking his mom "Whose gifts are these" "Whose cake is that"? Sweet boy had no idea we were all there for him. Michael's sister, Daylynn's, birthday is just one month after his so we have all the birthdays right back to back. It's so exciting, I can't wait to spend time with these two kids. They are SO precious. :) Can't get enough of them. 2 birds, 1 stone. Knocked out their Easter Baskets and Mikey's Birthday, This is Michael's Easter basket. (bubbles, sidewalk chalk, Peeps, egg decor, and Sixlets)
Day's Easter basket, filled with the same goodies.. only PINK!
TJ picked out Jeep (his car) & a 4-Runner (Poppa's car). I picked out a Crayola marker/ craft set for Michael. He was thrilled :)
But not as thrilled as he was for his stinking $2 ball. HA, I love how the simplest things thrill a 4 year old. :)
TJ's mom, "MoMo", made his birthday cake and it was precious. Very creative!
As soon as I saw this I was instantly excited, then very sad once I remembered "Hey Brittney, you're in a dress"!
Silly Birthday Boy!
It very well may KILL this boy to take a decent picture. HA at least he has fun with it.
Day got ahold of my camera & turned me into her model right away.
My future in-laws ;)
This picture tickled me to no end! She is such a mess right now, but what almost 6 year old isn't.
Silly faces, classic!
Day LOVES her Momo so much.
Just like his Uncle TJ, "trying" to play golf. So great!

At the end of yesterday I felt so incredibly blessed. I'm fortunate enough to be surrounded by these wonderful people and share these wonderful memories with family.