22 February, 2011

Valentines Day

This was our 3rd Valentines Day together, and I have to say that it was the best. We kept it simple, mainly because my birthday and Valentines Day fall just 3 days apart. We started the evening with our little gift exchange. Fallowed by an amazing dinner at our FAVORITE resteraunt, PF Changs. After dinner we saw one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen, Just Go With It. I feel so blessed everyday to have such an amazing person like TJ apart of my life. I can NOT wait for the many Valentines to come.

I hate roses, so these are the best Valentine flower I could have gotten. They were so beautiful.
Since TJ has the biggest sweet tooth in the world I loaded him up with candy. I also got him a Razorback Tervis Tumbler and a coupon booklet of IOUs. :)

Even Piper Lou made a Valentine :)
LOVE me some Dove chocolate!

Happy Little Family

I hope that everyone had a great and loving Valentines Day!

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