03 August, 2009

Baseball Graduations and Shareholders... YUP its summer!

So it has been entirely too long since I last posted so I am slowly but surely going to catch up!

Way back in May there were two different baseball games in NWA that were pet friendly. The first one that we went to was a Razorback game called Woofstock. In theory it was a good idea, however it rained cats and dogs right when all the festivities started. So by the time we even got there it was a mess and everything was packed up. Plus it was cold, wet & over all we were MISERABLE!!!
Piper had to wear her precious rain jacket.

This shows you just how nasty it was after the storm.

TJ was so cold he resorted to wearing my little North Face. ha!

The Natural's held the next pet friendly game, Bark in the Ballpark. We sat with The Moore's (Adam, Stacey, Zoe, and Bailey) who we had a BLAST with. We had a very enjoyable experience this time around, thank goodness. It was a hot and sunny Sunday (perfect baseball weather in my eyes).

Baby Bailey! This was just the third day she had been living with her new family.\
This is the only picture I even have of Stacey and Adam.
TJ and Piper were very focused on the game.

My cousin Hunter graduated from Russelleville High School. So Mom, Bailey and me went down to big R-Ville for the weekend. It was a really nice weekend just spending a lot of time with all my family.

Mallory, Aunt Rhonda, Hunter, and Uncle Lance! Such a good looking family! LOVE them.
Sweet Laney Beth! She turns 4 tomorrow. She's just precious!!!
This is Miss Riley. Well.. she's a cutie but she is quiet the manipulator!

Ever since I moved to NWA I have always dreamt of going to Wal-Mart Shareholders. They always have the best concerts. FINALLY I got me a Walmatian! And he took me to see Sugarland. Who just so happens to be my favorite group ever! It was a wonderful day.
This is while we waited for hours outside in order to get a good seat. Which we indeed did get.

Well at least I have made somewhat of a dent in catching up.
